

Patricia Piccinini

n. savagery adj. mysterious v. call

Sidney Nolan

n. freedom adj. leisurely v. travel

Still Life - Ricky Swallow

n. life adj. quiescent v.die

Egyptian pyramids

There are many mysterious stories about the Egyptian pyramids.My first view of the pyramids filled me with awe. The elaborate design and structure is amazing. Which made me think alot of the architectural stuff, how can the architects make such a wonderful and amazing thing, how can they design and make the design to be true, how can they built and keep the pyramids for such a long long time...how can they...pyramid is really a miracle thing in architectural history. For me, like many people who is so into architectural, the first view and crazy about pyramid is the main reason.

Beautiful Photo

This photo has a really good ideas behind it. The woman in the middle of the photo is holding a jug and she is pouring the dye out from it. And when you look at the photo, you cant really tell the dress that the woman wear is a real cloth or just formed by the dye. Pretty and skinny woman, the background with mystery, the dress full of miracle.....all of these things created a wonderful, attactive atmosphere and you cant even describe it in words.

My Creation

This is the pencil sketch that i drew at the end of the 2007, my teacher said it is the best one of all my creations. Pencil sketch always takes time, you really should be patient, and concentrated. This pencil sketch took me nearly one day to finish it. yeh, maybe you gonna say it is not a plenty of time, but for me, to be concentrated for one day is not a easy thing, but after all the things done, i felt that i really did a fine job, not only for the work that my teacher asked me to do, but also for my heart which loves the art so much.